Public Profile is only available with the iSpring Learn Business plan.

  1. Go to Settings → Additional Options → User Profile Settings.

  2. Switch to the Public Profile tab.

  3. Select whether to Show or Hide the Department, Supervisor and Functional Manager fields.

  4. Add the desired fields.

    • The Profile Pic, User Name, Job Title, Department, Supervisor and Functional Manager fields are added by default.
    • You can add any fields from the All Fields tab, except for the Login and the fields that have already been added.
  5. Delete the fields you don't need.

  6. Change the icon for any field.

    You can select the icon from the list.

  7. You can drag fields to change their order and move them to another section.

  8. You can also preview the public profile.

    You can see what it will look like on the right.

  9. Be sure to save the changes you've made.

    Public profiles will look the same in the User Portal and in the Organizational Chart.